Remember Sea and Land Trust in your Will
Your generosity will:
Aid for the purchase and maintenance of land for the benefit of nature & biodiversity
Aid future projects
Mitigate against Climate breakdown
The biodiversity crisis, and plastic pollution.
If you would like to remember the Sea and Land Trust in your Will, there are three main types of gift you can make:
Residuary Gift - is the gift of all (or part) of the value of your estate after debts, liabilities and other legacies have been paid and is the most valuable kind of legacy to Sea and Land trust. (particularly important to yeh)
Pecuniary Gift - is the gift of a particular sum of money.
Specific - is the gift of a specified item that could be for example; property, a painting or a piece of jewellery.
Questions and answers section:
Why do I need a Will?
A professionally drafted will can ensure that the people and causes (charities etc.) that matter
to you are provided for in the way you choose. It avoids the added stress, cost and effort that
dying “intestate” (without a valid will) can entail for those left to deal with your estate.
How can I make a gift to Sea and Land Trust in my will?
There are several ways to make a gift in your will including leaving a specific amount of cash or a percentage of your estate, after specific gifts and liabilities have been made.
For other types of gifts (for example, shares), please consult your professional advisor.
How can I be sure my gift reaches Sea and Land Trust?
The following precedent can be adapted for inclusion in your will to ensure your gift reaches
“To the following charity or such charity or charities which my Trustees consider to have as or among their objectives those as referred to in this clause and as my Trustees select (and if more than one in equal share or in such shares as my Trustees shall decide)
[Amount/percentage] to Sea and Land trust, registered charity number
Gurrawn, Ballydaheen, Youghal, Co. Cork P36 EK79
THE RECEIPT of anyone purporting to be the treasurer or other proper officer of any charitable or other body to which any gift is made by (or under the provision of) this Will or any Codicil (Changes/ alterations to will) to it shall be a good discharge to my Trustees for the gift.”
Can I update my current will?
You should review your will from time to time and as recommended by the government at
least every five years and after any major change in your life, for example: getting separated
or divorced, getting married (this cancels any will you made before), having a child, moving
house, or if an executor named in the will dies to ensure it still reflects your wishes. Making
changes to your will can be (and are usually) very simple and straightforward.
How do I choose my executors?
Executors are responsible for handling your estate and ensuring your wishes are carried out.
It is a good idea to name at least two people to do this job. You can choose an individual
(family member or a friend), if they are over the age of 18 even if they benefit from
a gift in your will.
Professional advisors who are regulated to provide probate services (namely Solicitors and
accredited Chartered Accountants) can act as executors on a fee charging basis (unless
named as an executor on a personal basis e.g. as a friend of family member).
Do I need to let the Sea and Land Trust know that I’ve left a gift in my will?
Doing so will enable us to keep in touch from time to time and keep you updated about our
work. However, we appreciate this is a personal matter and you do not have to let us know.
Where should I store my will?
Your professional advisor may offer to keep your original will safe as part of their service. It’s a good idea to make sure you also keep a copy in a safe place.
‘We aim to make a difference on all these issues at a local and national level. Our work will have an impact locally, nationally and well into the future. Our unique approach involves a range of initiatives and includes a strong emphasis on education. Please help us achieve our vision of leaving this world in a better place.’
Thank you
We'd like to thank you If you have already included a gift in your Will to the Sea and Land Trust, or intend to in the future, we would love to hear from you. Not only will this information allow us to plan for the future but more importantly it means that we can pass on our heartfelt thanks for your generous pledge. Your kindness and support for the Sea and Land Trust is greatly appreciated.
Contact us at info@seaandlandtrust.ie